Sunday, April 20, 2008

The inaugural Lone Star Ride

So last night was the first of a proposed series of weekly Saturday night rides. It was a success in just about every respect. We had nine people turn out, and grabbed two joiners afterwards (allowing me to add the subheading next week: this ride goes to 11), and the route itself was nice and smooth (which I qualified as the smoove movement).

I took a few pictures prior to our departure, but my camera is at another rider's house so it'll be a day or two before I can throw them up. Either way, expect next week to be another enjoyable jaunt through Austin's best maintained thoroughfares.

The moonlight cruise is tonight. Hit the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge at 11.59pm and prepare to ride with a few hundred other rides underneath the full moon. It should be fun as always.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Lift off.

This is the first of what will (hopefully) be many posts about the life and times of Austin's cycling scene. Godspeed, fair blog.